
HVAC Contractor Tips and Articles For Your Home

3 Signs Your Furnace Is Due For Replacement

Jeremy Lewis • Jun 18, 2021

When fall finally comes around, you’re going to want to be sure that your home’s furnace is in the kind of condition you can count on to keep your home at the level of comfort you and your family desire during the cold winter months, and unfortunately for many homeowners out there, that isn’t always going to be the case. Like any other mechanical device, the lifespan of your furnace is finite, and before cooler weather arrives is the best time to have your old system replaced with something newer. With that being said, many homeowners aren’t entirely sure what they need to be on the lookout for that might indicate when it’s time for a furnace replacement , and in order to help you do so, our team of skilled Wauconda HVAC contractors at Gleason Heating and Air Conditioning have taken the time to put together this short list that we hope you’ll find helpful.

Your Furnace Is Older Than 15 Years

If your furnace has had its 15 year mark come and go, and you’re beginning to see maintenance issues spring up more often than they used to, it’s likely time to go ahead and have your old furnace replaced. Your furnace might still be working, but after the fifteen year mark, it won’t be working at maximum efficiency any longer, and your monthly utility bills are likely going to be a reflection of this fact. Furnaces are much like cars in this aspect, as the older they are, the more maintenance they are going to require in order to operate, and generally, they are going to experience most of their breakdowns within the last 2 years of their lives.

Your Energy Bills & Repair Costs Are Steadily Increasing

As a general rule of thumb, the older your furnace gets, the harder it’s going to have to work in order to provide you and your family with the level of comfort you’ve come to expect. Not only does this mean higher energy bills on average, but due to the older age of your system, any repair costs that you incur are likely going to start getting more and more expensive as well, as replacement parts become more and more difficult to find. If you notice that your monthly energy costs seem to be getting a bit out of control, or your latest repair bill nearly gave you a heart attack when you opened it, it might be time to consider investing in a replacement.

Uneven Temperatures Throughout Your House

When your furnace isn’t operating like it should be, the chances are that you’ll be able to feel it as temperature differences between the rooms of your home. An old and inefficiently operating furnace can result in some rooms of the house being colder or warmer than others, which usually goes hand in hand with an older duct system not properly distributing heat to where it needs to go in your home.

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